Any properly indoctrinated Christian understands that they have a whole world to influence. They take a look at the Great Commission of Matthew 28 and run with it. I have no problem with this, as I am a properly indoctrinated Christian. In contrast to this belief, every now and again, someone living outside of a relationship with Jesus does something that we can learn from.
Jim Carrey used to make me say bad words. His style of excessive, inane comedy never appealed to me. The Fire Marshal Bill skits from In Living Color made my blood boil. Ace Ventura needed to be eaten by a bear. Dumb and Dumber shouldn’t have been made. Those last three sentences clearly only mean anything to me because Mr. Carrey’s comedy worked. The man has made millions of dollars off ridiculous humor. This didn’t happen without some heartache, first.
Jim lived like a lot of the rest of us do. He had a dream and worked really hard at it. He daydreamed about success and took steps to get there. Pop-trivia tells us that at one point, the man wrote a check to himself for ten million dollars. He did this long before he had one-percent of this goal. The man kept the check and used it as a reminder and motivator.
What if we did something like this?
I can hear the religious folks getting contentious over this so let’s flip it just a little. What if we wrote God a ten million dollar check, in faith? If we’re really positive, we could call it a tithe, but then there’s just too much money to handle involved in that, right?
It doesn’t have to be about money. What if we took our faith and put it on display like Jim Carrey when we’re believing for church growth, that ever elusive spouse, children, a job we like that actually pays the bills, this list has infinite possibilities. Just so everyone knows, it’s alright to put success and money on this list, too.
For once, I’m inspired by Jim Carrey. I’m pondering on the ways I’m going to display my faith and show God what I’m believing Him for. My question is this:
Vik, you’ve always been a man of many words. Elaborate!
OK first of all Jim Carrey bugs me too. However there is a line in dumb and dumber that I’ve used over and over, while joking of course. I’m sure you’ll remember it, “YOU ARE ONE PATHETIC LOSER”!
God has left me no choice in what I’m going to do by putting my faith in Him regarding my business. He is all I have hope in to deliver me in what ever way He desires, my job is to bring Him honor in good times and bad.
I’m also putting my faith in HIm by writing, the manuscript I’ve written was completely out of the blue and my blog I actually felt him dragging me into. These are difficult things for a generally very private person.
I get the whole privacy thing. I’m funny because I suffer from spontaneous disclosure in some things, and my lips are sealed in others. I think I’m less prone to share the dreams with people but what can I say? SO, it’s kind of rude to expect other people to share theirs, but at the very least, I’m hoping that I got some people thinking about their dreams and their faith, right?
You definitely get us thinking about many things, it is a talent given you by God. Thanks Jake
Oh yeah, and I love the “eleventy billion” amount on the check!
It’s my favorite fake number. I heard it in a movie or something somewhere and it just stuck…. I wish I knew where so I could credit it!
Okay Jake, here we go, you ready? I’m not buying health insurance because I’m taking Him at His Word. “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits… He pardons all my iniquities and heals all my diseases… “ That’s just for starters.
I’m never going on welfare because “My God shall supply all my needs, according to His riches in glory…” and “I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread…”
Wow Jake, I love this post! And will keep that check in my mind’s eye always as a reminder.
Debra, that it some faith! I love it. I think there are literally tons of things we can do to show a little more faith in God, and it’ll bless us in the end!
I actually did something similar. I wrote myself a check for $100,000 back when I graduated from college and did intend it to be a tithe check – to keep me motivated to give, and remind myself that I have big dreams and need to work towards them.
I think little acts of faith are the best, especially if they get us off our butts and out working toward something! I’m glad you did this Jason!
I’ve learned to praise God for the answers He’s yet to give. It’s a great exercise for me, and has built my faith over the last few years. Sometimes His answers are different than what I picture, but they’re better, too.
I’ve always loved the Jim Carrey story but have never thought about it in a faith (in God) context. Thanks for making that connection!
I’m really glad you’ve joined The High Calling blog network. We look forward to getting to know you better.
Dena, Praise probably is the best form of doing this, you’re 100% right on that! I’ve enjoyed Jim Carrey’s more serious work, I loved the Truman show and I think he’s a great actor, I just can’t handle the slapstick stuff.
Also, I’m excited to be part of the High Calling network now. I’m excited to make some new discoveries and read from some new people!
I’ve heard this story about Jim Carrey before and I thought how amazing that faith was. He had more faith than many Christians do in a lifetime. I think it is time to make a start and show some faith, whatever that looks like. Great post, Jake. Thanks.
Thanks Jason! I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do in this department right now. Perhaps I’ll be able to follow up and share with you guys later!!