
Faith writing

Dude, You Gotta See This.

by on February 16, 2011

Seven of the almost translucent legs rested on my skin. The eighth moved back and forth and looked as though it was tracing one of the grooves of my fingerprint. My chin was planted in…


Your Voice 3: Logos

by on January 8, 2011

By now, some church guy has to have proved that watching Harry Potter makes you at least four times more likely to go to hell than before subjecting your delicate spirit to the witchcraft and…

Wit writing

Your Voice 2: Ethos

by on January 7, 2011

I am amazing.* I’m good-looking, smart, talented and witty. I may not be rich or famous, but I’m successful. People like me. Now listen. I’m going to tell you what I think about… Jesus, pharmaceuticals,…

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