I don’t write simply because I love words or to figure things out. Those are both part of the deal, but I put words together because I want to share things with people. Wasn’t that the whole point in creating written language anyway? Actually, I think the Discovery Channel once told me that writing came about to maintain ledgers for farmers, to ensure that they received full payment for their produce or seeds or something. That says a lot about humanity. Even if my intentions are fairly social, this hobby best takes place in solitary confinement- if locking oneself in a room with their own thoughts can be considered solitary.
So if I write to share, then my subject matter ought to be something worth disseminating. It has, in the past largely been about faith. Or sharing stories wherein I indict myself as a terrible person who ought not to be listened to. Do people need that? I apparently think so. Do they want it?
I always used to think that Pop was a style of music. Never mind the fact that it’s short for popular the same way that indie is short for independent. Both of those words bring particular groups to mind. By the way, the Backstreet Boys (who still call themselves that) just came out with a new album. That’s hilarious and terrifying, but why not keep at it? Musicians in both groups do what they do because something inside of them to compels them to create melodies, harmonies and rhythms. One could argue that the purpose of pop music is to quickly become rich and famous. That may be the case in some situations, but that sense cannot be applied universally.
What then, of pop Christianity? Followers of Christ write and sing and otherwise create because we want to give glory to the God who saved us, right? Does it matter then, if nobody ever sees my awesome painting of the Holy Spirit that actually looks like a dove swimming in a pool of blood? (There are good reasons why I write and don’t paint or sing, believe me.)
If a God-fearing artist creates something beautiful and nobody notices, does God get any glory?
Yes. Probably. But it’s difficult to tell. Hopefully, that painter has a spouse who can somewhat appreciate the effort. And maybe children to force it on. If that same painter or sculptor produces something with mass appeal as their at least part of their goal, is that piece of art inferior to the original, completely unnoticed piece?
Some purists would say yes.
If so, then do we need to conduct a witch hunt and interrogate any author, singer or painter who claims to follow Christ? I mean, we really only want the genuine stuff, don’t we? Even if that is the case, there’s no need to revive the puritanical mania of the past. Most of the time, the sincere stuff is obvious, isn’t it? And even if the producer of whatever did happen to act on wrong motivations, God can still use their creation, can’t He? He is God.
I haven’t even touched on marketing yet. Social media is jam-packed full of self-promoting people who just want a following- with cash. I’m not necessarily innocent of this, either. I mean, I write because I want to share, right?
This is such a tough subject but I can relate to it. Frustrated that feel like I’m talking to thin air. Discouraged because I feel like my best words are wasted (not true but it can feel that way).
An artist needs an audience. It is an unfortunate truth. We need the give and take. No one creates in a vacuum.
That being said I have to wonder about David (biblical David, no me David. His formative years were spent alone in a field with livestock. This is where he sang to God and came to realize He was loved in return. Would we have his great Psalms and years of glory without his years of solitude?