I had to step back to admire my work. The flames spread faster than I had imagined. They had already climbed up the siding with minimal effort on my part. Points of yellow and orange reached out from under a blackened soffit and had begun to darken the fascia. Another five minutes passed and the eastern half of the roof was on fire . Propelled by a strong breeze, larger flames chased the black smoke westward across the wooden shingles. The corner where I started the fire collapsed in, revealing a blue and gray bedroom. Drywall fell onto a comforter and smoldered, waiting for the rest of it to catch.
Piece by piece, the house burned. It took memories with it. Photographs of long-dead relatives and keepsakes stashed in plastic bins disappeared along with carpeting, couches and chairs. Neighbors gathered behind me. They watched in horror, not understanding the process or its necessity. For some reason, none of them called the fire department or the cops. They were probably afraid I’d burn their homes down too. Even though they hated to see the beautiful house fall apart, they couldn’t stop watching. The destruction of suburban dreams might have been appealing, but then again, most carnage is attention-grabbing.
★ ★ ★
Droves of people lined up to be baptized by John. Some because they heard his message, others because a friend or relative told them. Several did it because the words he spoke meant something to them and others because so many people were doing it. He yelled a lot. But John also celebrated. He frequently smiled while baptizing. Everyone could tell that he loved a heartfelt response. All the people walked away feeling better about life until he said, “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Matt 3:11, NIV)
Holy what?
Fire burns. Would this Man dunk us them John did, or could it be more of a sprinkling of fire? Could He do it to a baby? Would this fire be necessary for salvation? The people didn’t understand the fire concept, but remembered that John also said, “The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Matt 3:10, NIV)
This created more questions and concern about this Man who would come after John.
The Greek word for fire is pyr. It’s used along with the Greek figure of speech, “Not without damage”. I’ve heard the baptism of the Spirit explained in terms where fire really means passion, but according to John, they seem to be separate, or at least distinguishable. So either the Spirit comes, then fire shows up at another point, or when the Holy Ghost makes His appearance, He brings fire and apparently damage, too. Which makes me wonder, did all the men in Acts chapter two have little bald spots where their hair was singed away while they were busy yammering on in languages they didn’t understand?
Regardless, the Spirit comes after Jesus, and not without damage. What does this mean in your life and mine? I think it means that like the house I burned to the ground just a few paragraphs ago, He gets something old and established out of the way. It probably doesn’t feel good but then again, we can probably dance in the ashes to celebrate once process is complete. We also have to remember that the fire probably makes room for something better, created by the God who loves us enough to burn us.
This is way too deep for me, I’m confused did you really burn a house down?
Ha ha, I was waiting for that from someone. NO houses were harmed in writing this post.
Jake, Please burn a house down.
Josh, you know there are a few I’d like to!
Wow – that’s a bit creeptastic! lol
Totally, mostly kidding.
I think it’s funny that when Jesus walked the earth, he frequently found himself at odds with the religious elite – the people who “knew” God, who had him figured out, who worked to convert others to their beliefs were the ones who were, well, wrong.
He came and burned the established system so something much more beautiful could arise – something that brought life and freedom to people.
I laugh whenever church people talk about what Jesus thought of the Pharisees, because most don’t realize we, as in the church, are the present day Pharisees.
Oh – and yea, the Holy Spirit does tend to singe a few hairs.
The Holy Ghost shows up and it smells like burnt hair after? That’s wonderful. And you’re entirely right, we’re a bunch of pharisees who have built our own bloody system, get pissed at people to don’t adhere to it, question their salvation, call them rebellious and think better of ourselves in the end. I’m only kind of exaggerating with that one. God has gotten rid of a few things from my perspective recently and I’m grateful because literally, I feel like I’m living in a larger world with more freedom now.
Really great, Jake. We do a disservice as Christians when we promise that if you give your life to Christ it will be easier. Because it’s so not about making your life better, it’s about living a life which honors the One who gives us life in the first place. And the sad thing is that there are probably a large number of Christians who will disagree with that statement. They still hold tightly to their genie in a bottle, God is a slot machine theology. (Okay, I’m getting a bit ranty…) Wonderful post, my friend. (And I knew you didn’t burn the house down.)
Kathie, I love it when you rant. It always makes sense and it always makes me laugh. You’re right, honoring someone isn’t easy, even when it’s God. Not that we can’t do anything “fun” and that’s the means to honor but rather, we have to make all our decisions with His will in mind which means we need to ask… this goes on for a while. Regardless, not everything is all nice and fun all the time after Jesus. Any of us who goes to a church knows that 😉
A lot of wisdom in this post. As we come up out of the water signifying old things washed away, we forget that it’s going to happen in our physical life as well. God will not build a beautiful life on top of a rotten foundation. I agree with Kat, the church seems to want to ignore the very words of Jesus Christ, “In this world YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE, but take heart I have overcome the world.”
Oh No! I think I’m getting a little soap boxish too…
I love soapboxes. I carry a few around with me at all time 🙂
Powerful and so true! “He gets something old and established out of the way. It probably doesn’t feel good but then again, we can probably dance in the ashes to celebrate once process is complete. We also have to remember that the fire probably makes room for something better, created by the God who loves us enough to burn us.” I felt the intense burning this past fall and winter. But the new creating has begun and the dancing is on it’s way. Thank God for His faithfulness! Thanks for posting this, Jake! (And I got that you aren’t really a piro : )
Angie. I never said I wasn’t a pyro, I just haven’t burned any houses down 😉
I thought you did burn a house down. I instantly pictured little jake standing in his neighborhood as a kid and watching as his house burned down… probably because you were playing with matches or something. Then I thought “I’m surprised I didn’t know this story.” Then I thought “What a traumatic experience! Im glad he finally got to a place in life where he is comfortable sharing this with people.” and so I was having a full on compassion heart moment… then I found out it was all a lie.
After I got over that, I appreciated your point.
Glover, weren’t you supposed to be at church, instead of reading this? 😉 Either way, I love that you shared your thought process. I greatly appreciate it in all of its intricacies!